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Academic Resources

The International Studies Program is located in the Robinson Building Complex, Building 3 - in the northwest corner of the UC San Diego campus. For directions to our location, please see this map.

Refer to Academic Advising Information for Drop-in Advising Hours and information on how to set up an appointment.

Virtual Advising Center (VAC): (login required)

For enrollment and academic questions, please use the Virtual Advising Center (VAC). Questions directed through the VAC will be answered within 24-48 hours.


Commonly Used Forms:

Advising Staff

Program Coordinator/Academic Advisors

Name: Matthew Lin
Phone: (858) 822-5298
Location: Robinson Building Complex, Building 3, Room 3135

Name: Corey Fujikawa
Phone: (858) 534-3432
Location: Robinson Building Complex, Building 3, Room 3136

Name: Jose Dizon
Phone: (858) 822-5059
Location: Robinson Building Complex, Building 3, Room 3137

Director of Academic Degree Programs at GPS

Name: Nancy Gilson
Phone: (858) 534-7496
Location: Robinson Building Complex, Building 3

Director of International Studies Program

Name: Clark Gibson
Phone: (858) 822-5140
Location: Social Sciences Building, Room 386

College Advisors

Your college advisors will provide you with general academic support, assist you with questions that you may have regarding college general education requirements, university requirements, IGETC and TAG, writing courses, graduation, and policy questions.

College Advising phone Student Affairs phone Location
Revelle College (858) 534-3490 (858) 534-3493 Revelle Provost's Office
Muir College (858) 534-3580 (858) 534-3587 Humanities & Social Science Bldg. 2126
Thurgood Marshall College (858) 534-4110 (858) 534-4390 Thurgood Marshall College Administration 104
Warren College (858) 534-4350 (858) 534-4731 Computer Science and Engineering Building (EBU3), 1st floor
Eleanor Roosevelt College (858) 534-9864 (858) 534-2237 Eleanor Roosevelt Administration Building, 3rd Floor
Sixth College (858) 822-5955 (858) 822-5953 Pepper Canyon Hall, 2nd Floor