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International Studies Student Association (ISSA)

The International Studies Student Association (ISSA) is the official student organization of the International Studies Program (ISP) at the University of California, San Diego. The organization gathers like-minded individuals who share diverse interests in international studies and international relations. ISSA intends to provide a platform of rich experiences and opportunities in international studies.

We are:

  • A professional organization for students exploring internationally oriented careers, grad/post-grad school, and experiences: international policy, economics, cultural studies, business, education, etc. ISSA offers help with internships, scholarships, interviews, resumes, and volunteer experiences.
  • A social organization for students looking for networks and mentorship. The ISSA Mentorship Program organizes social events for students who share the same hobbies and interests. Members love eating, studying, and hanging out with each other – and meeting other UCSD students!
  • An academic organization that is closely associated with the International Studies Program and the GPS Graduate School. Faculty, staff, and alumni from these departments provide ISSA with a wealth of resources.
  • An I-House organization for students of all majors and minors who want to learn more about the world. ISSA actively partners with Prospect Journal, the Global Forum, and others!

Weekly Event Schedule - Fall 2024 (COMING SOON)


  • Co-President: Elizabeth Chang

    Co-President: Elizabeth Chang

    Year: 3rd year

    Major/Minor(s): International Studies - International Business, Minor in Real Estate and Development

    Hometown: Irvine, California

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: Consulting or Commercial Real Estate

    For the past two years, ISSA has allowed me to take my first steps into what leadership and teamwork really look like. I have been blessed to be able to find a tight-knit community that’s dedicated to professional development, while still having a strong social aspect. ISSA has equipped me with the much needed skills to pursue my long-term goals. I am super excited for the future of ISSA and what this club can look like in the next year!

    Every Summer, my family and I travel to Indonesia, where most of my extended family resides and where my mom grew up. I have always been attached to the culture and language and consider it my second home. There is so much there to see and I highly suggest it to anyone who’s interested.

    On a personal level, I love staying active, being a part of student orgs, going to concerts, and eating good food in SD :) Feel free to connect with me!

  • Co-President: Jasper Wu

    Co-President: Jasper Wu

    Year: 3rd year

    Major/Minor(s): International Studies - Political Science, Linguistics - General

    Hometown: San Jose, California

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: Academia, Research

    ISSA for the past two years has helped me find and develop my passion and vision for international affairs. Working with an excellent team of officers has allowed me to explore my own professional and social growth, a team which is just as excited to share their experience with everyone else. Whether it be advice on applying to jobs or providing a fun place to hang around, ISSA always has its members in mind.

    When I was younger I would visit my family in Taiwan every year — awesome place for anyone who loves food, diverse lifestyles, and meeting new people! I’d love to travel more throughout the world, especially to places I’ve never been such as Europe (my parents like to plan their trips right after school starts :’)

    When I’m not busy, I enjoy winding down with some video and table-top games with my friends. I’m also a huge geography, history, and language nerd, especially when it comes to East Asia. On the weekends, I love taking scenic walks or just exploring the local area. I’m always happy to chat, so if you have any questions or just want to share something with me, feel free to let me know!

  • Vice President - Landon Lee

    Vice President - Landon Lee

    Year: 3rd year

    Major/Minor(s): International Studies - International Business

    Hometown: San Francisco

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: In the future, I would like to pursue a career in sales - specifically tech. I always enjoy connecting with new people and understanding the various challenges that each client encounters.

    ISSA has provided me the opportunities to grow and learn more about my major as it was the first organization I joined on campus. From networking to developing my resume, ISSA has it all in between and has helped me cut out my work for the next two summers. Super excited to see where ISSA goes from here!

    I went to Japan last summer and really enjoyed it! I think that Osaka was more favorable than Tokyo, but both cities were incredible to tour. My favorite part was visiting the bowing deer at Nara Park.

    I enjoy playing baseball, soccer, bowling, and golf. I also enjoy watching F1 racing.

  • Director of Marketing - Erin Tang

    Director of Marketing - Erin Tang

    Year: 3rd year

    Major/Minor(s): Communications, Minor in Marketing

    Hometown: Irvine, California

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: Marketing or Public Relations

    While I have only been a member of ISSA for one quarter, I have gained invaluable experience and insight into the world of marketing and public relations. My position on the ISSA board has also allowed me to work with a wonderful team, further expanding my leadership and collaboration skills while also exploring my creative side. I have truly enjoyed learning and growing alongside my fellow ISSA members and am excited to see how our club will progress in the future!

    I frequently visit my extended family in Canada, and we always have a family dinner at Congee Queen. However, I would love to visit Taiwan or Italy in the future.

    I have two siblings, one of whom is my twin, and I love singing, reading, and exploring San Diego with friends! Feel free to connect with me :)

  • Director of Public Relations - Cheyenne Rahimian

    Director of Public Relations - Cheyenne Rahimian

    Year: 4th year

    Major/Minor(s): International Studies - International Business and Psychology

    Hometown: Mallorca, Spain

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: I'm not entirely sure yet, but I'm considering pursuing a career in marketing.

    Despite recently joining ISSA, I have found an amazing and supportive community within the club. The connections I've made and the experiences I've shared have greatly enriched my time at UCSD. I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge and insights I've gained from ISSA’s events and its members.

    One of my favorite travel experiences was when I went backpacking with some friends through Greece and Italy. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before because of how adaptable and easygoing the trip was. When everything you need fits into a small backpack, each day brings a new experience and a new destination, allowing you to take life one day at a time.

    I have lived in Germany, The United Kingdom, Spain and California!

  • Director of Mentorship - Yumi Okuda

    Director of Mentorship - Yumi Okuda

    Year: 2nd year

    Major/Minor(s): Archaeological Anthropology, International Studies Minor

    Hometown: Tampa, Florida

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: Cross cultural relations between Japan and America, social policy work, repatriation of artwork, archaeology/restoration

    As a second year, I am still relatively new to ISSA, but this student organization has been nothing but welcoming and informative. As I attended both social and professional events, I learned various professional skills, how to build an inclusive community, and gained a better understanding of the significance behind pursuing International Studies.

    My most memorable travel destination was to Japan and Korea. These trips helped me to connect more with my heritage, as I was immersed in the culture and was able to meet up with my extended family. Aside from Asia, I recently traveled to Greece for an archaeology field school and the country was beautiful, the food was delicious, and it was overall an amazing experience.

    I love traveling, trying new foods, going on walks, singing, and just hanging out with friends. Although I make sure to spend time resting, I also enjoy staying busy (typically doing the things that bring me joy). I am pretty outgoing and love meeting new people so feel free to contact me!

  • Director of Membership - Darren Nguyen

    Director of Membership - Darren Nguyen

    Year: 2nd year

    Major/Minor(s): International Studies - International Business and Real Estate & Development

    Hometown: Ontario, California

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: Finding a career path that allows me to travel around the world and collaborate with a diverse team.

    My time at ISSA helped me realize that I want to pursue a career through which I can explore the world through an international lens. With the help of the fantastic guest speakers that ISSA brings in for their weekly events, I continue to refine my vision for what an ideal career path would look like.

    Recently, I traveled to Korea where I spent a week exploring Seoul, Busan, and Jeju island. I truly enjoyed visiting landmarks, museums and taking lots of photos. Most importantly, however, I was mapping to the next food spot!

    I am a massive foodie, and make my best effort to find cool new places to eat every weekend. I often try new restaurants in Convoy, and you might see me walk around campus with boba in my hands.

  • Director of Professional Development - Mina Nguyen

    Director of Professional Development - Mina Nguyen

    Year: 2nd year

    Major/Minor(s): International Studies - Political Science

    Hometown: Thousand Oaks, California

    Desired Profession/Long-term goals: Work for the federal government and continue advocacy within the foreign policy

    ISSA has been a place of growth and community — I’ve learned how to become a better professional leader and met like-minded individuals that make me a more passionate and compassionate individual

    I’ve traveled to over 20 countries, with my favorites being Japan, Italy, and Slovakia. I loved the diverse cultures and the yummy food of course! But above all, I enjoyed learning about each culture and expanding my global knowledge so that the bubble I am living is more knowledgeable

    I love to make sourdough bread from scratch and enjoy Pilates among other forms of exercise. I love to go on food adventures with my friends and family! I even have a food Instagram page 🤗

ISSA Undergraduate Mentorship Program

Join The ISSA Mentorship Program to connect with other members of ISSA through academics, social events, and other networking opportunities! Participants will be matched up with another student of similar academic and professional interests.