Honors Program
The Honors Program in International Studies recognizes and promotes academic excellence in the major by allowing qualified students to complete an honors thesis in close collaboration with a member of the UC San Diego faculty.
Why Join the Honors Program?
As a capstone to the major, the Honors Program gives students the opportunity to:
- Dive into a subject of great personal interest that may not have been covered in other courses;
- Work closely with a faculty advisor who will provide direction and feedback throughout the research and writing process;
- Apply research tools and methods to answer an original question;
- Learn how to structure a persuasive academic argument of significant length and scope;
- Demonstrate to graduate programs and future employers their ability to design and execute a substantive research project.
What Can I Study as Part of the Honors Program?
Students may write a thesis on a topic of their choosing. In keeping with ISP’s interdisciplinary curriculum, research projects that draw on perspectives and methods from across the social sciences and humanities are encouraged. Thesis proposals must be supported by a faculty advisor and approved by the ISP director.
Sample thesis titles from recent years:
- “Clearing the Haze: How Domestic Pressure in China Encouraged Transparency in the Response to Air Pollution”
- “The Consequences of Inadequate Financial Regulation on the Stability of the Microfinance Sector”
- “Patronage, Social Hierarchy, and Class in Thailand’s political conflict”
- “Organizational Structure as a Detriment for Success of Microfinance NGOs: Case Studies of Female Empowerment Through Microfinance in East Africa”
- “All-American Terrorism: Deconstructing Media Discourse Before and After 9/11”
- “Sex Education and Pornography Consumption”
- “(De)Constructing Public Housing Design: An Analysis of Space and Race”
- “Creating the Caliphate: Arab-Muslim State Formation as a Vector for Cultural Change in the 7th Century Levant”
Admission to the IS Honors Program is based on eligibility and by application only.
2024-2025 Honor's Program Application Deadline: Friday, April 18th at 9:00 AM PST.
Eligibility & Requirements
Application for the International Studies Honors Program is required and due Friday, April 18th at 9:00 AM PST.
- Major GPA: 3.5 or higher.
- Major GPA consists only of upper-division major courses including EAP and summer session.
- Completion of INTL101 or INTL102 with a C- or better.
- Completion of five (5) upper-division disciplinary focus and interdisciplinary elective courses with a C- or better.
- Enrollment at UCSD fall and winter quarter for the Academic Year in which you participate in the honors program.
- Faculty Advisor: Students are required to secure a thesis advisor who is a member of the UCSD faculty with corresponding research interests.
Students that have questions or concerns regarding eligibility should contact the ISP undergraduate advisors through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).
*If you would like to confirm the status of a faculty member, please reach out to ISP Advising with the faculty member(s) name. Interested students that have not secured a faculty advisor must contact ISP Advising via the VAC 2 weeks prior to the application deadline, Friday, April 4th, for additional information about best practices in securing a faculty advisor.
Application Process
Please review and complete the Online ISP Application
The deadline to apply for the ISP Honors Program will be Friday, April 18th at 9:00 AM PST.
Honors Course Information
INTL 190H. Senior Honors Seminar in International Studies
In INTL 190H, the thesis topic is finalized and the first chapter of the thesis is completed. The course is graded by the faculty member teaching the seminar. The grade earned in INTL 190H will appear on your official transcript whether or not you go on to complete INTL 196H (the honors thesis).
- Approved application required for enrollment.
- Honors applications will be reviewed following the finalization of spring quarter grades. If the applications are approved, students will be guaranteed a spot in INTL 190H and will receive notification to enroll via UCSD e-mail.
INTL 196H. Senior Thesis Research
In INTL 196H, research and writing of a 40-100 page senior thesis is completed. This is a self-paced class, requiring discipline and steady commitment, with the opportunity for regular feedback from the faculty advisor. The course grade is determined by your faculty thesis advisor.
- Individualized sections of INTL 196H will be available with each faculty advisor serving as the instructor of record.
- Students will need to enroll in their specific section of INTL 196H during their enrollment time for winter quarter. A spot in this section will be guaranteed.
- Students enrolled in INTL 196H receive two grades: one for the course, and one for the thesis. The grade for the course will be determined by the faculty advisor, not on the basis of the thesis, but for the overall work, effort and performance demonstrated over the course of the research project. The faculty advisor will consider work ethic, timeliness of work, response to criticism and requests for revisions, attention to grammar and formatting, and appropriate and consistent use of citations.
- The thesis grade and level of honors will be determined by two independent faculty members assigned by the International Studies Program. These faculty members will assign a grade to the thesis on a 4-point scale and the thesis grade and level of honors is determined by averaging both grades. See “Thesis Grading Information” below.
- Grades in INTL 196H will be given by the faculty advisor not on the basis of the thesis, but for the work, effort and overall performance demonstrated over the course of the research project.
Thesis Resources
Structuring the Thesis
Unlike most classes, the thesis project is largely self-paced, requiring discipline and steady commitment. Students often find it helpful to create stages in the writing of the thesis, discrete steps that allow for steady development of the project and regular feedback from the faculty advisor. The faculty advisor should provide direction at each step, but, once again, the student is responsible for submitting completed research and writing.
The following is a suggested sequence for completing the thesis, but the exact order and structure should be agreed by each faculty advisor and student.
- Prospectus: Each thesis begins with a prospectus, a detailed description of your research project that includes a plan of action. The prospectus is a blueprint of and justification for your project. It should contain a working title, a brief introduction of your topic, a presentation of your thesis (i.e., your argument, or the central questions that you will attempt to answer), an explanation of the significance of the project, a brief discussion of what has been written about the topic, a tentative outline, and a preliminary bibliography.
- Annotated Bibliography: This extensive bibliography requires a brief review of the most important sources. Consult librarians about search methods and bibliographical tools. Once you identify likely sources, you will evaluate the value of each source to your project through a cursory overview of each source and a description of its contribution to your research; that is, an annotation of each source.
- Research Methodology: At this point you will need to describe your research design and methods. How will you conduct your research? What kinds of sources will you use? If primary sources are available, what are the problems or limitations with using them? Justify your research approach and how and why you chose your sources. Finally, discuss any potential methodological problems that you foresee.
- Outline: Break down the thesis into chapters or parts and organize your argument and the evidence that will support it.
- Drafts of Chapters: For issues of formatting and style, consult a manual, such as The Chicago Manual of Style. The International Studies Program does not require a specific format, but each thesis must be internally consistent. Please consult with your faculty advisor for style preference.
- A rough draft should be submitted well in advance of the due date to the faculty advisor.
Formatting Information
- ISP does not require a specific format, however each thesis must be internally consistent. Please consult your faculty advisor for style preference.
Thesis Submission Information
Winter 2024 Deadline: Thursday, March 21, 2024
The following must be turned in by 4:00 pm on March 21 to isp@ucsd.edu:
- 1 Electronic Copy with your full lived name
- 1 Electronic Copy with your lived name and all identifying information removed
Late Submission: Theses turned in after 4:00 p.m. will have their grades reduced by 0.5 points for every 24-hour period (e.g. a thesis turned in at 12:00 pm on Tuesday of finals week will receive a 0.5 point reduction).
Thesis Grading Information
The thesis grade and level of honors will be determined by two independent faculty members assigned by ISP. These faculty members will assign a grade to the thesis on a 4-point scale and the thesis grade and level of honors is determined by averaging both grades. The faculty advisor will only assign a grade for INTL 196H, not for the thesis.
Thesis Grading Scale
- Highest Distinction (A+): 4.0 - 3.9
- High Distinction (A): 3.8 - 3.7
- Distinction (A-): 3.6 - 3.5
- No Distinction (B+ and below): 3.4 and below
Note: A third reader will be obtained if there is a discrepancy of 4 points or more between the two graders (i.e. 3.4 to 3.8).
To receive honors in International Studies, students must earn an appropriate thesis grade as well as meet the requirements detailed in “Honors Criteria”.
Honors Criteria
To receive honors in International Studies, students must complete all requirements for the major:
- Attain an exit GPA of 3.5 in courses in the International Studies major (INTL 101, 102, disciplinary focus, and interdisciplinary elective courses). The exit GPA includes all coursework through winter quarter of senior year including INTL 190H and INTL 196H.
- Receive a thesis grade of A- or better.
- Each student whose honor thesis earns a grade of A- shall be entitled to the designation "with distinction."
- Each student whose honors thesis earns a grade of an A shall be entitled to the designation "with high distinction."
- Each student whose honors thesis earns a grade of an A+ shall be entitled to the designation "with highest distinction."
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