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International Studies – International Business

International Business is the study and application of business methods and theories in an international context. International Studies– International Business students will develop their business skills and their cultural and linguistic understandings of other countries that are essential in the Age of Globalization.

Students can declare International Studies - International Business (major code: IS34) using the major/minor tool on TritonLink

Program Overview

Lower Division Requirements

  • Fourth Quarter Language Proficiency
  • Lower Division Prerequisites (5 courses)

Upper Division Requirements

  • International Studies Core (3 courses)
  • International Business Disciplinary Focus (8 courses)
  • Interdisciplinary Electives/Regional Requirement (3 courses)

Major Requirements

Language course may be taken for a letter grade or Pass/No Pass, students must earn either a C- or better or a Pass. All other courses for major requirements must be taken for a letter grade of C- or above.

Language Requirement

International Studies majors are required to demonstrate basic proficiency in a foreign language.  This can be accomplished in one of the following ways:

Lower Division Prerequisites (5 courses)

All lower division pre-requisite courses must be taken for a letter grade of C- or better.


  • MATH 10A-B-C or MATH 20A-B-C


  • MGT/ECON 4. Financial Accounting
  • MGT 5. Managerial Accounting

Note: These lower division courses are only required for those with an International Business Disciplinary Focus.

International Studies Core (3 courses)

International Studies Core Courses (3 courses)

All courses are 4-units and must be taken for a letter grade of C- or better.

For Students Beginning the INTL Course Sequence in Fall 2024:

INTL 102 may be taken before INTL 101.

For ISP Students who have already taken INTL 101 and/or INTL 102 by Spring 2024:

INTL 102 may be taken before INTL 101. Both INTL 101 and INTL 102 must be completed before INTL 190. The INTL core courses must be taken at UC San Diego.

You may not take INTL 100 instead of INTL 190.

International Business Disciplinary Focus (8 courses)

Rady School of Management Annual Tentative Course Offerings

All eight (8) courses must be 4 units, upper division and taken for a letter grade of C- or better.

The following five (5) courses are required:

  • MGT 103. Product Marketing and Management
  • MGT 181. Enterprise Finance --OR-- MGT 187. New Venture Finance
    • If you wish to pursue the BA/MIA Program, you must take MGT 181, not MGT 187
    • Students cannot apply both MGT 181 and MGT 187 to major requirements
  • MGT 112. Global Business Strategy
  • MGT 164. Business and Organizational Leadership
  • MGT 166. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

The remaining three (3) elective courses must be selected from the following lists. Students may take courses from multiple categories, all three do not need to be from one category:


  • MGT 131A. Intermediate Accounting A
  • MGT 131B. Intermediate Accounting B
  • MGT 132. Auditing
  • MGT 133. Advanced Cost Accounting
  • MGT 134. Federal Taxation - Individuals
  • MGT 135. Federal Taxation - Companies
  • MGT 136. Advanced Accounting
  • MGT 137. Financial Statement Analysis*
  • MGT 139. Accounting Information Systems
  • MGT 147. Not-for-profit and Government Accounting*


  • MGT 121A. Innovation to Market (A)
  • MGT 121B. Innovation to Market (B)
  • MGT 127. Innovation and Technology Strategy
  • MGT 128R. Business Innovation and Growth
  • MGT 160. Experiments in Firms*
  • MGT 162(R). Negotiations*
  • MGT 167. Social Entrepreneurship


  • MGT 176. Strategic Cost Management*
  • MGT 180. Business Finance*
  • MGT 183. Financial Investments
  • MGT 184. Money and Banking
  • MGT 185. Investment Banking
  • MGT 189. Topics in Finance*


  • MGT 100. Customer Analytics*
  • MGT 102. E-Commerce *
  • MGT 105. Product Promotion and Brand Management
  • MGT 106. Sales and Sales Management
  • MGT 107. Consumer Behavior* 
  • MGT 108R. Applied Market Research*
  • MGT 109. Topics in Marketing*


  • MGT 148. Mergers and Acquisitions*
  • MGT 153: Business Analytics
  • MGT 171. Operations Management
  • MGT 172. Business Project Management
  • MGT 173. Project Management: Health Services
  • MGT 175. Supply Chain Management


  • MGT 117. Business Law*
  • MGT 119. Topics in Business*
  • MGT 158. Real Estate and the Tech Sector*

Note: Students must submit petitions to Rady Undergraduate Advising for equivalency to any of the five (5) required MGT courses. Petitions for MGT electives must be submitted to ISP Advising for review. 

* Newly added course as of Fall 2023. Please send VAC message to ISP for degree audit update


Interdisciplinary Electives/Regional Requirement (3 courses)

All three (3) courses must be upper division, 4 units and taken for a letter grade of C- or better. All three (3) Interdisciplinary Elective courses must focus on one region.

Courses must be selected from the approved Regional Requirement Course List.

  • Note: All courses must be selected from departments outside of the disciplinary focus department.
  • This requirement is an overlap requirement comprised of courses that count for both the Interdisciplinary Elective courses and the Regional Requirement.
  • Possible regions include: Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America or the Middle East.

Course Pre-requisites: Students are responsible for meeting all departmental pre-requisite courses.  Please refer to the General Catalog for additional information.

Course Offerings:

Academic Advising Resources:

Frequently Asked Questions :

I took MGT 45 - do I have to take ECON/MGT 4 and MGT 5?

If you were pursuing a business minor and completed MGT 45 and wish to declare an International Studies - International Business major, you may submit an ISP Online Petition to use MGT 45 in place of MGT 5. Managerial Accounting.  You must still complete ECON/MGT 4. Financial Accounting.

As an IS-IB major, can I declare a minor in Rady School of Management?

IS-International Business majors may declare a minor with the Rady School of Management in Accounting,  FinanceEntrepreneurship & InnovationMarketing, and Technology, Innovation, and Supply Chain.

Students may also declare a minor in Business Economics, which is a joint minor between the Rady School of Management and the Department of Economics. 

As an IS-IB major, can I double major in Business Economics?

Yes!  International Studies - International Business majors may double major in Business Economics, which is a joint major between the Rady School of Management and the Department of Economics. 


Archived International Studies - International Business Course Offerings

2023-2024 Academic Year

 2022-2023 Academic Year

2021-2022 Academic Year

2020-2021 Academic Year

2019-2020 Academic Year

2018-2019 Academic Year