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International Studies Course Descriptions

world map with dashed lines

All INTL courses must be taken at UCSD. All courses must be taken for a letter grade C- or better. Please note that successful completion of INTL 100 is a required prerequisite for INTL 190.

To view previous INTL offerings, course descriptions, and syllabi, please visit INTL Course Offerings Archive.


INTL 100. Analysis, Argument, and Real-World Problems (4 units)

  • Course Description: Focuses on developing skills in analytic reading and writing while using an interdisciplinary approach to asking and answering real world questions. Lectures are topical and will be structured around a series of readings that build in complexity and nuance; students work in an iterative process that strives toward a final policy memo project. The course focuses on how to make the best argument about policy and best practices in circumstances where differing perspectives may be in play. Prerequisites: Completion of at least one quarter of a university-level writing course. 
  • This is a new course. In Fall 2024, INTL 100 addresses the experience of inequality in democracies and the effort to use social policy to make societies more equal. 

INTL 101. Culture and Society in International Perspective (4 units)

  • Course Description: Analysis of the cultural and social developments of the modern era from the perspective of interaction among societies.  Particular attention is paid to the definition, representation, and the negotiation of social and cultural boundaries over time. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or above and INTL100. 
  • Past courses have addressed such topics as: language and language policy, the emergence of non-state actors, and human rights.

INTL 102.  Economics, Politics, and International Change (4 units)

  • Course Description: Examination of the domestic and international sources of economic and political change. Themes include the rise of the nation-state, comparative economic development, authoritarian and democratic regimes, international and civil conflict, globalization and its domestic and international implications. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or above and INTL100. 
  • Past courses have addressed such topics as: the modern world economy, populism in advanced industrial democracies, power and poverty, and international security. 

INTL 190. Capstone Seminar in International Studies (4 units)

  • Course Description: Readings and discussion of topics in international and comparative studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.  Emphasis on independent work and completion of a research paper. 
  • For ISP students for whom INTL 190 remains a requirement, completion of INTL 101 and INTL 102 is a pre-requisite of enrollment.
  • For students admitted to the major in FA24 or earlier but are now under the new requirements, INTL 190s may be taken to fulfill a regional or interdisciplinary requirement. The pre-requisite for enrollment is INTL 100.
  • Enrollment in INTL 190 seminars is controlled by ISP advising. Please speak with an advisor if you have questions about your eligibility.
  • The topics for INTL 190 vary depending on each professor.

INTL 190H.  Honors Seminar in International Studies (4 units)

  • Course Description: Required of all honors students in International Studies.  Reading and discussion of topics pertaining to international and cooperative studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.  Emphasis on research design and completion of research paper in preparation of INTL 196H. (4 units) Prerequisites: International Studies major with 3.5 major GPA; department stamp, senior standing; completion of INTL 101 and INTL 102, consent of instructor, and completion of at least 5 disciplinary focus courses. A "Pass" grade from Spring 2020 in INTL 101 and INTL 102 will be accepted. 
  • Refer to International Studies Honor's Program for more information.

INTL 196H.  International Studies Honors Program (4 units)

  • Course Description: Open only to seniors who have completed INTL 190H.  Completion of an honors thesis under the supervision of a member of the UCSD faculty. Prerequisites: International Studies major with 3.5 GPA, department stamp, senior standing, completion of INTL 190H with B+ or better, and consent of instructor.
  • Refer to International Studies Honor's Program for more information.